Topic B Discussion: Genetic Data Privacy
Hey delegates! I was reading a little bit more about Genetic Data Privacy and the question of individual vs. group consent. I found this article I think you would find interesting. Feel free to give it a quick read, and I’ll also summarize its main points below. Genetics has reached a point of 'textuality,' which means a genetic data profile can reveal highly unique information, specific to an individual. However, such individual data requires genetic data of related individuals, which poses questions about whether individualistic privacy can exist in a post-genomic age. This understanding of genetic data development and its implications for a "legally relevant social group" was first recognized by the EU's Article 29 Working Party in 2004. Despite this recognition, much of the EU's current data protection laws/regulations, including GDPR, emphasize consent-based approaches on an individual level. Historically, human rights have been considered group-base...